Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sometimes you need a different translation.

     I'm going thru Galatians verse by verse in the NIV. I just got to verse 19 of the second chapter. Here's what it says. For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I've heard this verse many times but I was like what does it mean thru the law I died to the law. I could have fought my way through it, maybe in context to the verses around it, if I read them enough times it would sink in finally. Or, I could have looked at the notes in the study Bible I'm using.

     I usually try to figure something out or meditate on it a while before looking to see what someone else has come up with. This gives me confirmation many times that I'm on the right track if my synapses is the same. Sometimes there is a way of looking at it or another side I didn't see and that opens my world up some if I let it. Another thing that happens on occasion is that I get revelation that isn't what others have said. I can count on one hand with fingers left over the times this has happened.

     So, I had my phone open to this verse in the NLT and they open it up quite a bit.
For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its requirements—so that I might live for God.
Galatians 2:19 NLT
I copy and pasted so I got extra stuff including web address I had to remove. Isn't this much clearer? It sure is for me. So now I can make my notes for this verse in my notebook.

     If I can't come to a place where understanding sets in on my own then I look to the notes of others. First in my Bible, then I look online. There are many, many good sites like for example. I can Google the scripture address. Or, I can Google a question like; what does it mean that through the law I died to the law? I searched this question up to see what I would get. The third result, I skipped the first two, was from Biblehub. They show the verse and then quite a few commentaries and even notes from study Bibles. It's all out there to be found. Anyways, I didn't really mean to write this much. I thought maybe a paragraph but I guess not this time.