Wednesday, January 4, 2012

God movies and using their lessons in my life.

A while back i picked up a two movie pack at Wally world.  Faith like potatoes and Facing the Giants.  What i love about watching movies like these is that unlike a book, with a movie you actually get to see how the subject is practiced.  Like with potatoes, you get this picture of radical child like faith.  The lead character finds God for reals and he just takes God at his word.  Ya know, the Bible.  When he has a fire out of control he just prays for rain.  But unlike us, he believes God will send it and he does.  Not only that, but his corn crop is totally destroyed by the fire and comes back to life.  Another time two people are injured, one of them dies, and he prays over her, lifts her up and she comes back to life.  Like the faith that you and i would have if we had watched God create the world.  The faith that we are supposed to have.

Then there's the Giants.  This guys a football coach in a Christian school and everything in his life that can go wrong has.  When he has no more rope to reach the end of he turns to God.  Like up all night just pounding the Word to standing out in a field just talking to God.  Totally honest communication.  He just gives everything in his life to God.  He takes God into the locker room and teaches the players that putting God in their lives has got to come before football or anything else.  God has to be the foundation.  The school finds itself in a revival.  There's a guy who goes thru the school every day and prays over every locker, year after year, waiting for revival.  He never gives up and never loses hope.  And he gets to see that revival.

How awesome would it be if we prayed over every chair before service?  Not because David asks us to but because we want to see God move in our students.  How many things would we start doing or doing differently if everything came out of service to God?  If God was at the core of everything?  Both of these would be considered radical by most people.  The problem is that they are not radical.  They are simply following the Biblical way of serving God.  The problem is that the rest of the world is radically far away from God's design.  We are radically far away.

Sometimes it is very hard for me to picture what it looks like to walk out my faith.  When I see these movies it's like, Oh, that's how that should look.  Well, duh.  Anyways, if you haven't seen these i strongly recommend watching them.  Potatoes is pretty slow and didn't hit me at first but its been over a month and i still can't get it out of my mind.  Giants has only been a few days ago and i really want to keep that picture fresh in my mind of how to implement my faith all day.

Yesterday i was out in the shop doing this job and it was kicking my butt.  I tried one last thing and when it didn't work i started cussing at it and it was ugly for a minute.  Then i had this glimpse of if my work brought glory to God then he would bless it.  I stopped and said i'm sorry God.  I don't know how to fix this and i don't really know how to bring you glory in my work but i'm asking for help.  I couldn't even tell you if it was a minute or ten minutes or an hour but the next thing i remember is looking at it and realizing i had the wrong adapter on it and when the right one was used it came right apart.  And i was so in the middle of it that it took me like a day to realize what God had done.  I asked for help, he helped, and i didn't even catch it.

What if i went to Walmart and prayed before entering store; God, help me to focus and buy only what i need.  To not waste a bunch of my day.  What if i prayed when i got home; God, help me to bless my family and represent Christ to them.  What if i invited God into every part of my life?  Just the very thought of that brings shivers down my spine.  Imagine how God would work in my life.  Imagine all the stuff he could get done if i would just get out of the way.

Imagine if you work with customers all day and just find a way to say a short prayer for every customer.  Imagine if you dedicated your shift to God.  Imagine the Holy Spirit hovering over you and touching each person as you interact with them.  Literally, take some time and try to imagine stuff like this.  I'm telling you.  No matter what you imagine it will pale in comparison to what God will do if you will dedicate that time to Him.  I dare you.  I double dog dare you.  When i finish this post i'm going to pray over it.  That anyone who would benefit from this would find it.  I've never done that before but there's a bunch of things i've never done before and God only know where this will lead.  Where my life is going.  God bless every one of you who reads this.  Praise be to God.

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