Tuesday, December 6, 2016

One Last Hit

     I wrote this as a song lyric after an acquaintance died but it hasn't seen music so here it is.

One Last Hit

He killed himself
    Just one more hit for old times sake
No pain no more
    Crossed the line he's not comin' back
One wife six kids
    His last hit forever they bleed

Where were the men?
     Pillars of faith holdin' us together
We're down a man
    Did we not do our job?
How could we know?
     Holy Spirit, did you try to tell us?

     We've got to stand, fight for you, fight for me
    All together now, what does that even mean?
     His life forfeit, flesh to dirt too soon too soon
     We broke his family, it is our fault, is it not?

What will we do?
Will we wake up now?
Get in your face?
Be willing to fight?
To lose my sleep?
To cry and weep?
What will we do?
What will I do?
What will I do?
What will I do?

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