Monday, December 15, 2014

Christian hero

     How many of you get spoken to by God in movies? I think we can see/experience God anywhere if we are open to it. Maybe there's something to removing the construct of Christian vs. secular that can help one to experience God in unexpected places.

     Die Hard 4. I love good action movies. Good plot and action mixed together. Like Die Hard 1-4, Terminator 1-3 and I'm dying to see 5, Serenity, Red-both and the Chronicles of Riddick. The last movie was a stinker though. There's a bunch more for sure. One more gotta mention. Tomorrow When The War Began. I can watch that over and over.

     So if you'll remember, in dh4 Mclane is sent to retrieve a young hacker and turn him into the FBI. Of course lots of people are trying to kill him and John has to kill lots of bad guys in spectacular ways. But, throughout the film there is a thread run about what a hero is and how and why one becomes a hero. At one point John tells this kid that being the hero causes you to lose your wife and family. Then the kid asks, so why do it? Because no one else can, answers our hero. Now we know that being the hero is not what robbed him of his family, not fighting for his family is why they have left him, but there is a tremendous nugget for the Christian here.

     We are called to be the hero. Not in a blockbuster stop the hackers or skynet kinda way, but like John Mclane says. The hero steps in and does what no one else can, that's what makes them a hero.

     As Christians we have this calling or spiritual profession that is out there waiting for us. Too often though we sit and wait for it to come to us or we spend all our energies preparing for that one thing. It's like we are training and stockpiling weapons for a zombie apocalypse while everyone around is dying of bird flu. All around us are jobs just waiting to be done. People are wasting away under the weight of sins they don't know how to escape. Secretely, Christians are dying all around us as we earnestly seek our calling, preparing for that great ministry up ahead. God is looking for hero's.

     The Bible is chock full of heros. Story after story of people who didn't have the skills, were not prepared, not educated for the task at hand. So what will we do? On the road to your great calling are a line of people. People who need what you have right now. People who will give you what you need as you serve them.

     I bumped into a guy at Home Depot last week. He 'Meredith' was picking up a few maintenance items for the church. Said he was just doing whatever needed to be done. Filling in the unfilled gaps. He's done this as long as I've known him. A true servant, or hero if you will.

     So what will you do? What will I do? This is as much to me as it is to you. This is where I am at right now. The journey IS the destination. Every place I am at is a place of service to the King. Every place! Every minute is a moment for worship. If you read my last post you know I fail miserably. I do not become a failure though. Never do you or I become failures. Not possible in the eyes of our Father. We fail and yet receive redemption. Conviction not condemnation.

     So what inspires you? Where does God touch your heart? Spiritual epiphany? Look for those places. God is speaking. Let's be listening.

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