Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The world around us. What the heck? This is a call to battle

Ephesians 6:12  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

     Why is this so hard to remember?  I have heard every possible person or group blamed in the Ferguson tragedy except the spiritual realm.  What about when a child is raped or trafficked?  How can that have happened?  The war in Israel/Palestine?

     Back to Ferguson.  Can cops really not be trusted?  Are they all dirty?  All without honor?  And what about black's?  Are they all thugs and criminals?  Of course not.  Yet haven't we heard all these things said from so many places?  And how many of us who claim to be emissaries of Christ have passed this junk along on Facebook?  Even cute little meme's are not so harmless as they appear.  Why are we so desperate to do the enemies work for him?  Are we really so blind as to not see that that's what we are doing?

     What if we said to the world the truth?  What if we told everyone who would and wouldn't listen that this is the work of the enemy, of Satan?  We would be laughed off of the face of the earth wouldn't we?  Would that be so bad?  Is this world that great that we would fight to stay in it?  In the 1930s as Hitler was gaining in power the church had a choice.  Put God and His tenets first, or put the government first and God second.  They chose almost unanimously to put government first.  One by one all the church's that didn't were exterminated.  What if all the churches had stood their ground?  What if they had had the faith enough to know beyond doubt the their God would fight for them?  Germany was a Christian nation and that platform was twisted and turned until it became the opposite of anything remotely Christian.  They fought a spiritual battle without the spirit.  Being that Hitler's platform was a pure Christian Germany, it would have been pretty hard to make that fly if all the churches had stood together and proclaimed God's word, stood against the tyranny.  And if they had all been exterminated that would have removed a substantial portion of his support base.  Unfortunately, their earthly lives were worth more than eternity.  I know that's a broad statement but more true than not.

     We have got to start seeing what's really going on.  Forget about the conspiracies of government and global baddies and remember whose we are.  There is a veil that separates our reality from the true reality.  That veil should begin to get thinner as we move closer to God.  I fear that too often this just isn't true.  I have this amazing desire to know God and for Him to infiltrate every part of my being.  I wonder how many are with me here.  We can't continue to fight to make abortion illegal.  We must certainly take that stance but not as our first armament.  We must fight for the hearts of broken strangers.  A heart that knows Christ AND has hope is a heart that would be very unlikely to take the life of an unborn child.  A Christ filled hope filled heart would transform the ghetto around itself.

     Let's bring God into it.  Into the discussion.  What can fix Ferguson?  God can.  What can repair the life of the raped woman and the one who raped her?  God can.  How can we eliminate abortion, drug use, alcohol abuse, prostitution, slave trade?  How about apostasy in church?  God can.  He will not do it for us.  But He will do it with us.  We must stand up and just do it.  We cannot remain silent any longer.  However, as we begin to speak, we must do so in love.  No longer can we preach to the world that their sexual identity is wrong.  No longer can we fuel the tensions in confused and scared cities across America.  No longer can we scream what is right and what is wrong.  No!  We can't do it this way! 

     Hey you, I love your soul.  Hey you, that pain that you never knew you would have from an abortion, I know where there's help for that.  Hey you, you say you're tired of porn and you want your girlfriend to trust you again.  I have the answer for you.  Hey you, you say you know that black's are not all bad people but you can't seem to change the way you think about them.  I have a cure for you.  You raped a girl in high school and it's eating your soul.  I can help with that.  We have the answers for a lost and hurting world.  We know the author of the story, we've read to the end.  We know who wins the battle in the end, but there is victory to be had today.  God wants us to have victory in every part of our lives.  It is so past time to develop a craving for God.  You say you don't know how?  Ask God.  I know I should want that but it's pretty scary.  I mean what might God want me to do?  Ask God for courage. 

     If you are not willing to step up and give your life, then give up.  Go home, snort some coke, watch some porn, order some prostitutes.  Take it all the way because there is no middle ground.  Stop kidding yourself.  There is a life of God's glory or there is a wide road to hell.  If you think you are not that bad, where's not that bad in the Bible.  It's nowhere you want to be found.  There is no easy road.  If you honestly can't give it all to God, don't be a coward, tell God.  I'm a coward, I'm afraid.  I want to serve you all the way but I don't know how.  God will take you where you are.  And then He'll take you where you could never dream.  I'm talking about adventure man.  Or woman.  We cannot change the world.  We cannot even change ourselves.  What we can do is turn it over to the creator.  Let Him change us.  And we still don't change the world.  But we do change the world around us.  Then we trust God to continue the change through those changed souls.  Man, we've got to do this.

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