Sunday, March 8, 2015

I wonder if Jesus did small talk

     I am fascinated by the idea of what filled all the inbetween spaces with Jesus and His followers. What was it really like 24/7 with the God-man? What was the small talk? Was there small talk? Few people ever want to be around someone who only talks of kingdom stuff.

     I find myself irresistibly drawn to conversations of kingdom stuff. I think in some respects that's all I would talk if given the chance. I love meat. Even in the midst of a war or election eternity still weighs more heavily. I don't think most people are like this. It seems most folks need small talk. The water cooler conversations. The game last night. Who killed or cheated on who on last nights episode of whatever. However, I do love Netflix. I like romance and exploding stuff.

     I tend however to find eternal implications in whatever I watch. Whether Diehard 4 or Rambo 4 or the latest super romantic sad movie, what was that called? Oh, The fault in our stars. I see kingdom implications everywhere. The better movies can keep me going for days on how sad it is that they fought so hard for something but it's all meaningless without God. The greatest romance ever is nothing if you get to heaven and don't get to stay. Those memories won't comfort in hell.

     Is anybody else like this? On those long road trips and boring spaces what did Jesus fill the time with? We read about some of the highlights in the Bible, what was the rest? Was it all highlights and important teachings or small talk too? The brain only learns for so long a period at a time so there must have been lots of filler. The filler seems to be what builds intimacy long term. I mean, not talks of tv but of where you grew up, your sisters age and your favorite place to live. The details that separate friends from acquaintances.

     Eleven guys were willing to follow Jesus to death. They weren't thrill seekers looking for death. There was something else about being with Jesus. They loved Jesus. They weren't just clinging to His Godness though. Maybe it started out that way but I think they clung to him out of love.

     So how do I find the balance? I'm 43 years old and still asking simple questions to things it seems I should know by now. The only thing that matters is eternity in heaven. But we don't live there yet and there is stuff all around us that is very important in this end of life. If I cant relate it to the eternal then I don't want to waste my time.

     Those of you who know me know I love to talk of cool hotrods n ratrods, vintage bmx bikes and the pallet ceiling I'm doing in my bedroom. It's not all God stuff. But I do find it hard to want to keep up with what is blowing up the internet this week. Or what is trending on twitter. And then as if the latest battle over a wardrobe malfunction/Cardashian/Mike Rowe/Democrat/Republican/Tea Party/Iran/Israeli/Isis meltdown isn't enough, we still have these arguments over law vs. grace and predestination vs. free will. I mean jeesh, is any of this getting us closer to knowing God? And if it's not then why do we keep it up? Are we that easily distracted by Satan? The Bible says to those who have been called you have also been chosen. Predestination.  It also says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead then you will be saved. Free will. So why are we arguing one or the other when the Bible says both? Can we talk about something of value please? Something that would grow you and grow me and draw unbelievers close as well. I do not think it is that hard, Jesus couldn't hardly get away from people they wanted to be around Him so bad. So why don't they want to be around us?

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