Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Planned Parenthood victory???

     Is all the outrage against Planned Parenthood really the victory it seems?

     Not too long ago we were outraged that aborted baby parts were being burned to produce electricity.

     And then the outrage was over. Forgotten like the little lives that never will be. It is a wonderful thing if we save a life here or there. Even more wonderful if the tide turns against abortion and many more are saved. But that is not our true calling is it?

     Go into all the world and make disciples of all men. In other words tell all people the good news of God, of Jesus Christ. It is a noble thing to save a life, but it is a holy thing, the angels in heaven rejoice, when a life is given to eternity. You see, the real victory isn't a woman deciding against an abortion, the real victory is that woman making a decision for eternal life with God.  Our battle has to be for above. It has to be for the eternal. For salvation.

So now we've had public outrage over burning aborted baby parts and we've had public outrage over selling aborted baby parts but still no outrage over killing these babies. Can anything except the Father's love truly change our hearts toward abortion?

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