Saturday, June 27, 2015

The day that nothing changed

     Yesterday the supreme court of the United States of America announced a ruling and today I sit in my car and read scripture and see nothing different. The letters are not moving around on the pages to change truths thousands of years old. Some infinitely older than that. Nope, not one thing different. God is still the God of all creation. Satan still comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And me? I don't think I've changed much in that time either.

     You see, the enemy wants us running around, scared and worried. Troubled that our footing in this world is eroding. Praise God!😊 Apparently my smilies don't work here. For those of us who live because of the work of the cross and the deliverance from said cross, let it be known that we don't stand on this world. Our feet are firmly planted on the rock of Christ Jesus.

     What's that you say? We are losing our influence here. We have no freedom. We can't talk about God here, we can't pray there. It's about time! Time for we are not of this world to actually have some meaning. Time for us to stop leaning on legislature to support us in our beliefs, it's time to give that place back to God.

     It's time for FAITH. Faith that trusts God to fill the offering plate. Not our own begging mixed with scriptures and holy platitudes but faith. It's time to have faith that God has our backs. Our businesses. That God cares about the needs of our families more than we do. Faith that when I don't feel God He hasn't moved. Faith that my child with autism isn't broken but perfect.

     The whole world seems out of control and that's the way the enemy wants it. Our lives seem out of our control and they are. I can fear that lack of control as I so often do or I can once again give God the reigns to my life. Either God will have control of my life or sin nature and Satan will have control. Those are the only options. A or B. There is no ME. So what will you do today? Right now as you read this? Will you give God control for the first time? Will you give Him control for the 135th time today? I Surrender All is not about losing your life but saving it. My testimony, that which cannot be denied, is what God has done inside of me. That is my gain. I must surrender over and over and over. When I retake control I allow the enemy in to steal my joy, to kill my heart, to destroy the man God made me to be.

     Do you know why I think God gave us Revelation? Not to scare us about end time events. Certainly not for us to spend significant amounts of time trying to figure out how it all plays out. If you had a time machine....If you could go back in time 6 months how much money would you put on the clippers? Or how bout the tripple crown winner? Or how about a little further back to pick up a first printing Superman No.1, one of which recently sold for 3 and a half million bucks! God gave us a glimpse, yes of the past, but also of the future too. We know who wins. Knowing this we can lay it all on the table. Our spouse and family, our job(s), schools, flags, laws, churches, everything!!!

     I am tired of fighting and I am tired of being afraid. I want to only fear He who holds life and death in His hand. Truly who else is there to fear???

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