Sunday, June 21, 2015

Are the right questions wrong?

     The question is....who am I? Moses was 80 years old and didn't know who he was. The angel of the Lord came to him in the fiery bush, God said go, save my people. Moses says who am I? I am nobody that they should listen to me. But Moses reluctantly obeyed and became who he was. Prophet, priest, teacher, leader and so much more. Writer of the first five books of the Bible and ultimately, God's friend.

     There is no greater quest in our life but to answer this question. For in the answer to this lies the truly great revelation.....who am I in Christ?

     Yet we go sideways in this. We jump a step when we ask, what is my.purpose? What am I here to do? What is my calling?

     The real question is this. Who are you, God? Not even who am I in you but simply who are you. I want to know you. I want to be in your will seems right on but it's caddywompus too. You know me in and out so reveal yourself to me. Take away the barriers between my heart and mind. Make my heart wise. Make my.mind to be overwhelmed with your love. Let me see you as in a clear reflection. May you become more comfortable than my own skin.

     For you see, in the intimate space between my Lord and myself all of these questions are answered. And none can be answered properly from outside. The answers they will seem proper, God directed, God answered, and such, but when true intimacy reveals itself, even the need for those answers will seem shallow. All of life's needs are swallowed up in the quiet secure love between my Father and me.

     We will chase after many things in this life. I pray that whatever you chase it will eventually lead you to the feet of the Father.

     That's step one. Step two is equally important. Once your secure intimate space with God is found. Now you know what it is to simply be. No longer thrashing about but at rest, it is time to nudge others in the same direction.

1 comment:

  1. If you have not found this place, trouble yourself not. For God has you in His hand and He will lead you there when you are ready.
