Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The line between grace and the 'rules'

     As believers we have this fine line to draw between grace and upholding Biblical standards. God has given us so many guidelines as to how to be His follower. I wonder though if they aren't just that, guidelines.

     As I travel throughout His great guidebook I see God contradicting the 'rules' often. Like seemingly all the time. So how can this be? And if this is so then what is God really after from us? What does it mean for you and me? Hopefully I can answer this but first some examples.

     The Nazirite vow and Samson. In Numbers 6 God says a Nazarite must abstain from wine, fermented drink, vinegar, grape juice, grapes, or raisins. His hair couldn't be cut nor could he be exposed to a dead body. So God raises up Samson (Judges 14-16) as a mighty warrior through the vow of a Nazarite. A Nazarite who is never to be around a dead body kills over a thousand people. His vow is broken not by being around a dead body (like one part of the law says) but eventually by his hair being cut off (another part of the law).

     Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob give us many examples of the 'rules' being broken. Abraham believes God's promise to populate many people's through him. When years have passed and his wife still isn't pregnant they go to plan b and he sleeps with his wife's slave. God still uses Abraham as planned despite this. Isaac lies about his wife being his sister (his dad did this twice himself) so he can save his own skin rather than trust in God to protect him. Jacob takes advantage of Esau to get the birthright and then works with his mother to steal his brother's blessing from his father Isaac.

     Joseph's brothers sell Joseph and tell dad that he was killed yet the tribes of Israel are still formed from them.

     Rahab is a prostitute and becomes one of Jesus's ancestor's.

     God told Moses to lie to Pharaoh. God said to tell Pharoah to let his people go to the desert and hold a festival to God. This was true to the point that they would go and worship God, but false in the fact that they would never be returning.

     A pastor friend of mine told me a story about when he started pastoring a new church. The denomination had a rule that no deacons or elders could be divorced and thus his problem. He had almost no one he could promote because nearly every candidate had been divorced. So what to do? Ok, let's close the church. I mean rules are great, but in this case they sure didn't help those they were meant help.

     The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,  as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9. God's desire is for all to be saved. We repent, we leave that old us behind, and we start on a new life. New life with Christ.

     We are to judge. We are to look into the lives of others and see, is there evidence of Christ? Just as we, just as I, look into myself to see Christ or not. We must! If I do not look into your life to see what Christ is doing then I fail you. It is my job,  my duty. I cannot do this alone. If not for others checking up on me. Praying for me. Calling out my sins and saying "what the heck Jethro?", I would not be where I am. But, where would I be if more of my Godly family kept me accountable and motivated me forward?

     God is a god of the journey. So where are you going? Let's not forget the past but what are you doing with it? What direction are you going? What is God doing now? This is the question.

     Second is this. Are you trusting God? There is no way I can see all God is doing in you. There is no way I could have seen what God saw in Moses or Abraham or Noah or Samson or the apostle Peter or in Paul. But I can be in communion with God each day and the Holy Spirit can. God can guide me to people that scripture says can't be leaders. People who don't fit into the scriptural guidelines.

     Ultimately God is the one who has a clear view of your heart and mine. It is He and only He that can know where each is headed. I must turn my fears and cares over to Him. I've got to trust that He is working for good in those around me. I have to allow Him to show me when to speak life to you and when to correct.

     It is God's plan. Will I (we) join Him in it? Or will I do as I think needs done?

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