Thursday, June 4, 2015

Who does God love more?

     Do we understand what it means to love? To love as Christ loves? There are a lot of different facets to love and I'm only gonna touch on one, I think.

     We've all seen the pics and formed opinions about Caitlyn Jenner. I mean it is the hot topic right now. Is it right? is it wrong? Courageous? Have you stopped to think of God's immense love for Bruce/Caitlyn? If you did, if you do, does it change things?

     What about the guy who taped the dogs snout shut? There's something serious mental going on there. Do we have the same compassion toward him that we do toward Robin Williams and toward Robin's family. Has God's love for him changed?

     What about the Taliban or ISIS? We cringe as we discover a new atrocity, each one more vile than the last. But did you fall to your knees and plead the blood if the Lamb over them? Did you pray that some how, some way, God's love would reach them? Or did you simply repost, adding your own commentary about a world gone to hell?

     What about that one video? You know, the one where someone did something so stupid even a two year old would've known better. Do you ridicule this person? Or do you turn your eyes to the sky and say God, I've done many stupid things in my life too, and you have forgiven me and given me a fresh start. Would you please help to do the same here? This cannot be erased but you God can make good out of it.

     Do we only love the abused, victimized, sodomized, traumatized, underdog losers? Or do we also love the rapist, the sodomizer, the ISIS rebel,  the transexual, the white trash, the black trash, the illegal alien, the politician, the ex spouse, the bully, the kids' new stepmom, the drunk who killed our child? Do we have to choose between the cop and the other? Can't we love both?

     When that man is doing the sick thing to that child, do you think God's tears are only for the child? Does not God weep for the brokenness of this man as well?

     We can say to the broken person that God loves them infinitely and in the same sentence curse the one who caused the broken pieces. That must break God's heart all over again. To think that God loves the one more than the other. Does the abused need to feel Gods love more than the abuser? Really? Where is that in the Bible?

     I have a deep heart for broken people. It does my heart so good to see the healing begin. I wonder how my world would begin to change if I had the same heart for those who caused the broken pieces. To love the unlovable.

     Jesus hung on the cross and He looked down on those who put Him there, ultimately killing Him, and said "forgive them, for they know not what they do." This is the love we are called to. He is our example.

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