Monday, February 15, 2016

Some more letting God do the work

     What if we pray and know concretely God will provide and He doesn't? I wrote previously about trusting in God to move people's hearts into desiring to give, as in tithing to a church. So we have a church body who love graciously, a pastor and staff who believe unflinchingly God will provide the needs. Missionaries across the world relying on our funding, but the money is weak. It just isn't there. Pastor is taking minimal salary and missions spending has ceased.

     Imagine being the missionary. I can hear the desperate pleas. Anything, just anything. The work God is doing over here and through us is unbelievable. I know God wants this to continue and God willing even to grow. What would happen if we left? You gotta help us. And then there's the broken chairs, the leaky roof and faultering van of the church. We can't survive like this. You gotta help us God.

     What if God called home every missionary in Africa? Could God still build His church there? Could God have a bigger, amazing plan that we could never dream? What if as a church family you finally fold your hands and say God, we can't do this? Could that be the start of God's amazing new work?

     We know the answers. It's an immediate yes to all those questions. But can we live that? Can we abandon all hope of knowing where God is going and just listen? He will do it so radically different than all we can imagine if we will just work with Him. This is relationship. He is bigger and better and crazier that any amusement park ride. He has a fiery love for His people. It doesn't just drive Him, it is Him. Everything God does is to love us. To hopefully hit us in just the right way that we will love Him back.

     God can reach every people group without us. He loves each one more in one instant than we can in a lifetime.  So when we argue and plead with God that we need some thing or to be some place so we can reach those we're called to, do you think He doesn't want that? Do you think He doesn't know the need?

     I do believe that God calls us to places at times where we fail for lack of other's faithfulness. These are great times to learn another kind of faith. The kind where God will take this failure and turn it for good. Where you can learn to believe that with every fiber in your being.

     The end game is that we trust God. In the failures and in the successes we trust God. Because He is God and we are not. He is creator and we are creation. He is all knowing and we are barely knowing at all. He is life and breath and all. You are all God.

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