Monday, December 19, 2011

Obeying God????

Saturday night Chris and i went to Red Robin for dinner.  This weekend was supposed to be a winter retreat for the youth group so we had places for the kids to be and then that got changed to the snow day on Sunday so we did the snow day and some personal time.  How's that for a run on sentence?  So, we ended up at Red Robin waiting to get seated and they called Chris, party of 2.  Then immediately someone else party of 4.  So this couple gets up and goes and Chris gets up and goes.  When we got to our table there was 2 sets of color crayons along with our menus so i think we stole the party of 4 table.  Oops.  After sitting there for a while and eating most of our dinner, a young couple sat down a couple tables from us.  The girl had her back to me but the guy was a pimply faced maybe 16 yr old kid.  As i kept watching them i felt God telling me to give them $20.  What a strange thing.  That was something i might just do, but why would God want me to do it?  So i decided i would ask them if they were on a date and if they said yes then drop $20 on the table and wish them a good evening.  Don't know what i would have done if they'd said no.  Haha.  The longer i thought about doing it the harder it got.  Then i told Chris and she was very supportive and even offered to do it if i was too chicken.  I knew God had told me and not her and anyways, it was time to go.  As we walked by their table we stopped, i paused for a little bit, then said, are you two kids on a date?  He said yes and i dropped the folded up 20 on the table.  He was like, NO WAY, jumped up and shook my hand.  I think she was a little dumbfounded.  Then we walked out.

Since i've had some time to think about this many reasons have come to mind for God to have me do this.  Here are a few.  God is testing my willingness to obey when the task doesn't fit into my normal box.  Maybe he had borrowed $20 from somewhere he shouldn't have and God just wanted to bless him by replacing it.  Maybe someone else there who saw this happen needed some proof that there is still good in humanity.  Maybe one of the waiters had asked God for a sign that he was still there, maybe even asked for that specific event to happen.  There are many other possibilities but our God is so big that every one of these could be true at the same time.  Think of the complexity of arranging all those things to align at that one specific intersection.  That's how big our God is.  Not saying that any or all of these are true except for the testing/growing of my faith.  That one i know is true.  Our God works in the extraordinary and he excels in the mundane.  He wants so badly to be in all of our little details.  To get into the dirt in the cracks.  Are you letting him in?

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