Thursday, December 15, 2011

survived another day

Watched a movie called One Week.  Bout a guy who finds he has stage 4 cancer, buys a motorcycle and rides from east coast of Canada to the west coast.  With many strange adventures in the middle of course.  Kinda didn't do much today.  School called about 10min after dropping kids off to say that Ashtin had a tummy ache.  Picked her up to find her tummy was caused by fighting with Josh but so many kids are sick that they hear that they instantly send home.  Had to take her home.  She threw up twice late in afternoon.  After coming home with Ashtin someone came over and bought my 53 GMC truck which kinda saddened me the rest of the day.  Not letting it go but that I think the buyer was going to scrap it.  Didn't do my devotions today.  Spent very little time with God.  Epic fail!  Little girl died a couple nights ago.  She attended Cascade High School and was friends with at least one person in our Youth Group.  My first thought so often when someone dies is, glad they were not in our group.  What a selfish thought.  Like, that's really sad, but at least i don't have to deal with it.  What a sad thing it is to lose a friend or family member, especially at such a young age.  I pray that this tragedy brings an opening for God to move into some lives where he might not have been able to go before.  That those who have been open to God would really turn to him for strength, for answers, for comfort.  God so badly wants to be in our situation.  To walk with us.

New paragraph, cause your supposed to do that once in a while.  Went to State Surplus yard to look for bicycles and just happened to talk to woman whose son was raised in the church, did his devotions (unlike me today) and was taught all the stuff we teach our kids hoping they will grab onto God and walk with him.  This young man, Keith, i think was his name, 22ish i believe, did not quite follow that path.  Her first mention of him was pothead.  I encouraged her to continue to pray for him and reminded her that although he is not following God, he does have a foundation to come back to when everything he grabs onto in life slips through his fingers.  As a youth worker, sometimes that's all we can do.  We get them for a few years and teach them as much about God as we can because they can be gone at any time.  I don't mean by death, but moving away, going to different church, and many times just volatility in the family that prevents them from attending.  What i didn't do was to pray with her there on the spot (amateur move), but i'm learning.  I feel so called to missions.  Not to go and be a missionary, but to reach those around me.  As God continues to grow me and i am open to those opportunities, then he provides.  I look at my life and think, "i don't do much for God".  Some of my time is spent working with youth at church and other functions but that's about it.  I try and figure out how to do more and then things like the surplus yard just happen.  God places chances for ministry right in my lap as i grow into that place.  It's really exciting to experience and even more so knowing this is just the beginning.  Another thing to think about is that i can't see the full workings of the ministry i am involved in.  It's not up to me to worry about how much ministry to be involved in but just to do and go as God leads.  For the first time since the four years or so that we've been back to church God has finally given me a sense of excitement, a joy about serving him.  What a wonderful God we serve.

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