Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Some basic growing with God stuff.

     For those of you that read my last blog, both of you, I kinda towards the beginning or middleish talked about being new at or struggling with something I haven't really mastered but by the end sounded as if I had mastered it. At least that's how I kinda felt about it. It seems to me that is the way this Christian walk is supposed to work.

     There's a period of time of like struggling to figure it out and then just growing, growing, growing at probably a steep rate and then a plateau. As God is teaching me something new I absorb everything I can like a sponge. Soon hopefully I become master of this new thing. This then becomes a comfortable spot where I can dwell in the confidence of having grown closer with God. I can get used to this newness and practice and live it out. I can't stay there for a super long time though. There is always another place that God is looking for me to grow in. This cycle repeats for as long as I continue on in relationship with Christ.

     I can be in more than one stage at a time. It seems as I mature God works on more and more things at the same time. Even in just one area I can be growing and plateauing simultaneously in different pieces of that one area. Some of the things that I have a really firm grasp on I continue to get revelation. I think not only does God keep me growing this way but also keeps my head from getting too big.

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