Thursday, April 14, 2016

Does the words we use hurt our ability for closeness with God?

     If God is always with us then we can't really walk away from Him can we? I may stop talking to Him and live my life in complete ignorance of Him, but He's still right there. The importance of this is I never have to climb back to Him. He is always right there with me.

I've fallen away. I've walked away from God. I've fallen so far from God. I've backslidden. I've strayed too far from God. There are a lot more ways that we as Christians word this. One thing is constant. The space between us and God becomes greater. Theres just one problem with this. It is not possible. There is nothing we can do to make space between God and our person. No matter the graveness of your sin, you cannot move yourself away from God.

     I am becoming convinced this is the defining component of intimacy with the Creator. This is His unconditional love. No matter my failing He does not fail me. Nothing I do can separate me from the love of God. Believing this I no longer stress every detail. My devotional time does not have to be. I don't know how to finish that. It doesn't have to be any certain thing. Any certain period of time. Any certain day. All of my life is done with God. There isn't a separation of this part is God's and this is mine. It is all one. I don't want to sin against God but even if I do something greatly wrong, there is no space created between me and God. I feel bad. I feel sucky. I don't want to talk to God because I feel guilty, not worthy. My feelings lie to me. The truth is as soon as I confess it to God, it's gone. I'm as right as ever with God.

     Regardless of the reason, if I believe I've gotten further from God because of anything, I've got to close that distance once again. How terrible it is to feel I've created space between God and me. It may very well be that our language, our Christianology, is the cause of so many being unable to find closeness with God.

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