Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Missin' my best friend

     Really missing my best friend today. She's off doing finals week and mandatory volunteering into the evenings for her federal school grant. Summer is her slow time. No work but 17 credit hours split between WOU and CCC. And lots and lots of homework.

     She finished up the work year and had a whole week before Summer term began. Sleep was the only protocol. I had designs on a couple of days in Washington or maybe Northern Cali but it wasn't to be. Now here we are coming to the end of another season and I just want to escape. Go anywhere and just relax with the family. To be with my wife and just be. We are possibly heading off for a weekend but going to seperate destinations. Kinda like how cruel is that? But it's needed.

     So the count down continues. Roughly two more years of this. Next Spring is an opportunity for her to teach in China for two weeks. Who knows what else may lie in the future. The roads we have traveled,  I am not sure if they had names, but they took us places we never dreamt. Some really good dreams and a few nightmares.

     Yeah, I miss my friend,  but she is still here. We have many more grand adventures waiting us should the Lord will it. And kids. Three girls and three boys to this point. Maybe God will yet bless us with more in His own way. He sure does know His way around humor.

     Oh man. I realize this is written mostly just for me. I just needed to get some feelings out. I hope you don't mind.

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