Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Some questions must be pondered to glorify God

     So the other day I'm on the phone with a friend. We're pretty close so we try and talk at least once a year. And he says to me, someone asked me why I go to church. This wasn't a non church goer trying to get a handle on (why church?). This was a Christian brother helping a man who is in the valley right now. Why do you go to church? Why do you run sound? Why do you study as you do? Why do you pray as you do?

     These are life altering questions if one answers them from this one place. And honestly too. Does this grow my relationship with Christ? This is where I believe my friend is at. I deeply hope so. I have done so many things to honor God. Too many of which had the look and feel of Godliness but not the substance.

     If I commit time or substance to God but do not meet Him there than what is that? I am not talking of times of hurt or silence when There seems to be an iron shield above the clouds and all my prayers seem to bounce back unanswered, when God just can't be found. We go through times of desert or dryness but this is not that.

     I could go to church every service for a hundred years, have the greatest pastor ever, and zoom right through the gates of hell. Attendance and devotion are no susbstitute for connection. I have read my Bible for hours on end and gotten further from God. I have prayed over the needs on my list, many times right into rem sleep. I have honored God and God was no where to be found in it. Honor and devotion have been things that have derailed me time and again. Yet they are necessary. So how do I know?

     I honestly answer this core question. Does this grow my relationship with God? Often it's not this simple but this does give me a foundation to work from. Church is good. Maybe though God has some place of more intimate connection for me to be. Maybe I need to stop and ask God why church or devotion time or ? are not connecting me to Him. Is there something in my life preventing growth? Maybe if I leave the Bible and prayers and church and bible study and TBN behind and just talk to God. Me and God, one on one. Oh man, what could happen now.

     Moses was a friend of God. Imagine all of the other titles he could have had. One of the greatest men of God ever was simply God's friend. He didn't get that way by all of his holy accolades or religious convictions. Not by writing the Pentateuch. Not from hours daily on his knees. The truth is so simple that I struggle to grasp it.

     I simply talk with God. Share my fears and doubts, share my wins and happy times. I question His methods and timing. I acknowledge His supremacy. I thank Him for what He's done, both what I have seen and what I haven't. To forgive me of sins, known and unknown. Why would you place me here? What is going on? Are you sure there is a purpose here? Thank you God for the abundant blessings you have bestowed on me. And I listen. God speaks in quiet times and in movies and in music and anywhere else I am willing to listen. I probably miss most of what He says but I'm glad He keeps talking.

     We must be connected with the people of Christ. I'm not advocating abandoning regular meetings with believers. if growth is not a product then why not? Could I be a catalyst for change? Could God use me to stir up hearts? This is the gospel. To give my heart to God and then to others.

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