Thursday, November 6, 2014

Journaling on Mark 11

11:1-11  Prophecy of Old Testament fulfilled right here.

11:12-14, 20-25 I find it hard to believe that God (Jesus) withered the fig tree just so He could lecture the disciples about faith again.  Maybe this is so.  They passed this tree two days in a fow so maybe it was in a place that would offer a continued reminder of Jesus and of faith as Jesus was being killed and of course afterwards.

Scary thought to think that God will not forgive our sins if we do not forgive others also.

11:27-33 Jesus seems to only answer their (the religious leaders) questions with another question or a parable--there are exceptions of course.  If they had seen Jesus heal and cast out demons yet didn't know where His power came from.....they knew it wasn't satan and they refused to believe it was God--the only two possible answers.  So really, they knew the answer deep inside, just as all men do.

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