Thursday, November 6, 2014

Journaling on Mark 13

13:1-2 Because we have never experienced anything but this world it is difficult for us to take our focus off of it.  While it is true the temple did get destroyed, I think Jesus is saying that even the greatest things in this world will pass away, our treasure must be above.

13:3-37 After Jesus had told the disciples above that the beauty of this world, the temple in this case, would pass away, He goes on to tell really of the end of all the earth, and of the son of man coming back.  Imagine if, with our perspective, we could go back to this moment and be like, guys, this is Him.  The one telling you the story will be the one coming in the clouds with fire.  I don't think they would get it.  I don't think I really get it.  Oh, I know the basic facts, but don't think I really grasp the majesty of it all.

13:5-8 Boy, have we not seen a lot of wars and rumors of wars?  Are we close?  Maybe, maybe not.  I don't really know.  Four hundred years ago or so we had the seven year war.  The whole world at war.  one hundred years ago WWI, seventy years ago WWII.  Everything can get worse than it is now.  Likely it will.  Jesus said to keep our eyes open, to watch the times, but He never changes our job, to be fisher's of men.    The time will come when it's time, but now is our time.  Our time to grow in relationship with our creator, to build up and grow others out of that relationship.

13:10 A lot of people are hanging their hats on this verse.  Like the last item for God to check off on a long list and then, Bam, Jesus comes.  I don't think it's like that.  More like the workings of a clock.  Hundreds of pieces all working together to bring about the desired end result.  The correct time.  Our world, our universe is a giant organism.  And like that clock, it has an infinite number of pieces all working together to bring about the correct result--the right time.  This is not to argue about the 10/40 window or any such thing.  Every piece has it's purpose and will bring the whole into completion.  I'm just not going to narrow down the prime importance of Christians as a whole to just one thing.

13:11-31 We could spend entire lifetimes deciphering Jesus' words on the end times, Paul, John, Daniel, and others, but to what end?  The Pharisees and scribes and teachers of the law knew the scriptures better than anyone, yet they missed the Messiah.  Not only missed, but killed.  To me, this is a lesson showing the limits of projecting the picture on the wall when there are so many pieces that can be fit differently, and will make a different picture.  Jesus said it--don't worry about tomorrow, today has enough worries of it's own.

13:14 The abomination that causes desolation-let the reader understand.  I think when this happens, we will understand.

13:36 Do not let Him find you sleeping.  Sleeping in this case would be immersed in the dream of this world wholly ignorant to the call of Christ.

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