Monday, November 17, 2014

Life...the great adventure

     This last weekend Josh had his birthday Saturday evening and his friend Brandon stayed over night.  Sunday morning I wasn't sure how or when Brandon was getting home before church.  His parents aren't too keen on him going to church with us and we don't try to push that in any way.  However, this morning was no walk in the park as Emma was not happy.  She's had a runny nose for a few days and finally showed a fever.  Chris wanted to stay home with Emma and try to get some homework done.  Yeah, those two things don't really go along, but it's worth a try right?  All the kids ended up staying home so I got to fly solo for church.  I don't usually like going by myself but this day was different.  I was almost driven to be there.  For some reason I didn't yet know, I was excited to get to church.  Didn't take too long to figure out why.  Today was another baby dedication.  For me this was a really special occasion.  You see, many months ago when this baby was just a small baby bump I had the incredible privilege of going up front and praying for this couple.  Well, I went up front to pray for whoever would come my way but  it wasn't me just praying for them, really we all prayed together.  The willingness and exuberance of each of them to open up and talk to God in our small group of three and whoever else might be close enough to hear was incredibly encouraging.  I have worked with so many broken people.  And so often the hurt and pain of these broken lives could have been never a issue if Jesus had been in front.  If He had ruled their lives.  Yet here is hope.  Not just a little hope but a whole dump truck full.  Here is this couple with their 8mo and one day old baby who are starting something new, something incredible.  Something the angels in heaven are rejoicing for.  And those in the grandstands are standing and cheering, screaming and whistling.  They've got their video camera's and heavenly ipads out recording every moment.  It hasn't been all lollipops and roses though.  There has been pain, that evil that seems to befall so many of my friends, miscarriage.  But they have not lost hope.  No, their hope is fresh and new every day.  And now one part of that hope is curled up in her arms.

     I love that part of the movie where the kid opens the forbidden book, The Neverending Story, or the treasure map is found, or the secretive man shows up and says you are the one remaining descendent who would save us from the coming doom.  Is there anything better?  Now I'm hooked.  How does this little kid become the savior, or find the treasure?  I want to know.  But this isn't a movie or a book or a map.  No, this is an adventure even greater.  That of two people coming together not to fall into someone else's pre-written story but to write that of their own.  In the last couple of years I have seen many of my friends find that someone special and begin to write their new story together.  I really badly want to list out some names but this isn't my private notebook but rather the world wide web and I don't have permission.  But if I could, I would talk of a wonderful worship leader who puts hands and feet to thought and plays for and feeds the homeless as well as the souls of many many others.  Of one who used to run and play with my kids in the back of the youth group but sailed across the pond to live happily ever after with her prince charming.  Or a wonderful young princess who attacks life with a fervor, running aimlessly through town with a camera and several youths in tow or tearing up the streets on a lengthy board.  And let's not forget to throw in at least one young man who also likes to run the town on a long board, even hitting freeway speeds near the high school.  Make sure to keep my story right by getting married to her, ok dude.

     These are some of the real treasures in my life.  The things that fill my heart to nearly exploding if it could.  And it is not just because of marriage but because I see God's work in action.  God's story being written.  It is that thing deep down inside of me, placed there before time began, connecting my story to their story to the greater story, that of eternal consequence and eventual glory.  The best part is I get to continue to watch from a distance as families begin to grow (you can start now, by the way), but so many more of you are just going about your lives looking for mr/mrs right, serving God right where you are while God is preparing you for the next step of the journey and for most one day that next step will be marriage and family.  Enjoy the ride.

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