Thursday, January 29, 2015

Journaling on Matthew ch.5

     Ok, ok.  This is where I started writing down the scripture and then making notes following it.  Up to this point I've only made notes on what kinda jumped out at me or I felt there was something to be said about but now every verse is included in something.  After the first couple apparently.

     Vs. 3  Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

It is not the rich in spirit but the poor who need help.  The rich can help themselves.  They can dig deep and help themselves.  The poor have no recourse except to fall prostrate before a loving heavenly father and rely fully on Him.  In this way they gain the heaven that eludes the rich.

     Vs. 4  Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

By no earthly will of their own.  Those who mourn are helpless.  They are unable to fill up what is missing inside.  God provides a comfort and a peace that reason and logic cannot explain away.  This can become a great witness at times.  People might question how you can be calm and peaceful in the midst or aftermath of a tragedy.  They are already seeing God's grace but now you can explain it to them.

     Vs. 5-6  Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.  6. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Meek in my dictionary is quiet, gentle and easily imposed of, submissive.  Then it lists a bunch of synonyms and at the end says--like a lamb to the slaughter.  I can definitely see turn the other cheek as part of meek.  Doing a little research it seems the Greek here would suggest 'strength being brought under control'.  So vs. 5 and 6 are very similar.  I really believe inherit the earth really means inherit the kingdom of God here on earth.  So if we submit our will to God's and hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will receive righteousness and entry in to the kingdom of God here on earth.

     Vs. 7  Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 

This seems like a, well, duh!, kind of verse, but when I really thought about it, it seems like mercy is often returned with unjustness.  A life is unfair kinda thing.  Really this is payment from God, after this life.  He might reward in this life also, but mostly I believe this is treasure in heaven.

     Vs. 8  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 

When I see people pure in heart I automatically feel as if I have a window into God, to the heart of God.  It's not like God is gonna show up on their door step for them to see but that they will see God for who He is.  His character will be clear to them.  We all see God through our filter of who we are but their filter is much closer to clear.

     Vs. 9  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 

Peacemakers look not to their own interests but to those of others, even their enemies.  They are looking to a bigger picture-just as God does.

     Vs. 10-12  Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of God.  11. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

To be willing to be persecuted for Christ, God must have value and meaning far above all else.  To be convicted that deeply about the kingdom means you get it, that you understand the whole story and where your part is in it.

     Vs. 13  You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses it's saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.

A person who has known God and walked away, has a next to impossible journey to ever make it back.  A person who has truly had a relationship with God.  To a great degree the church in America has lost it's saltiness.  It has forgotten the reason for it's existence,  Jesus was lifted up to draw all men to himself and we are the extension of Him.  Yet we have crawled behind our doors and hidden away from the world. --The American church--.

     Vs. 14-16  You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on it's stand, and it gives light to every one in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven. 

As God's people, we often do things that defy reason.  Giving ourselves away to others with seemingly no benefit to self.  They are seeing God in us whether we get to explain why we do it or not.  And by our actions we glorify God.

     Vs. 17  "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

The law and the prophets--the Old Testament.  Hundreds of prophecies tell about Jesus and much more show us who God is and His design for us.  Though we misunderstand much about God and His laws, Jesus came to show us His laws in Action, that we could watch Him an see God.  When we put the two together (Jesus and law), we get a more complete picture.

     Vs. 18-20  I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the law until everything  is accomplished. 19 Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  20 For I tell you that unless you righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus is trying to show them that it's the heart behind rather than the actions themselves that is important.  So in the rest of chapter 5 Jesus picks out some of the laws and shows how the heart behind it is where the importance lies.  God is not a bunch of laws--God is love.  As we immerse ourselves in to God's love, we naturally move with Him, not against Him.

     Vs. 21-24  You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgement.  22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother (without cause) will be subject to judgement.  Again, anyone who says to his brother, raca, is answerable to the Sanhedrin.  But anyone who says, "you fool!" will be in danger of the fire of hell.  23 Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar.  First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.

I John 4:8  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
      Our relationship with God is based in His love.  One of the things that can impede that is junk in our hearts towards others.  There will always be a substantial part of my heart full of junk.  It is not that God expects me to get rid of all of it but He selects bits and pieces that I am able to work on.  Here is what I need you to be vigilant about, says God.  My relationship with God is just that, a relationship.  God has a relationship with every part of His creation to some degree or another, which means that when my relationship with my brother is strained or broken, then my relationship with God is strained, and taken to the extreme, can even be broken altogether.  The body of Christ is a living relational organism and all too often pieces of it fall to the ground and are left to die.  Marriage also is an area where this principle of not making things right right away can and often does have lethal consequences.  God knew this and gave us this tool (instruction) long ago.  Yet we are a prideful people and because of our insistence on independence now have a Christian divorce rate near that of the world.  Many of those Christians remaining in marriage are living in dead lifeless marriages so the mortality rate of not following this scripture is greater by far.  Growth in God takes work but we must never stop there.  We are called and equipped to greatness.  You can scrape into heaven having barely survived your relationships on earth, or you can live in victory, dancing your way through the gates of eternity.

     Vs. 25-26  Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court.  Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.  26 I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.

As a follower of Christ we should be ahead of this.  If we see others and ourselves as Christ does we will strive extra hard to live honorable lives.  This should show up in our finances as it does every where else.

     Vs. 27-30  You have heard that it was said, do not commit adultery.  28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  29 If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.  It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.  30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.  It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

Can you say porn?  When I was younger, even after my first wife, I had this view of women that was pure and beautiful.  Fast forward many trips around the block and I would kill to still see women that way.  I don't believe that this has come about because of women who have been anything but.  rather I think the coldness of the world and most importantly porn.  Porn was so destructive for me in this area.  Taking nearly every woman I didn't have a relationship with and making objects out of them.  What my mind was capable of doing is beyond deplorable.  God gave me a way out of that years ago, but the battle to regain my purity of mind is ongoing, probably never to be fully won til I step into glory.  The heart is the key, as always is in God's story.  A man who sees a woman as God's spotless beautiful child could never knowingly hurt her.  I believe that's the core of what God wants us to see here.

     Vs. 31-32  It has been said, anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.  32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery. 

I went to a wedding the other day.  From the beginning to walking back down the aisle married was maybe 20 minutes.  It struck me how easy it is to make this commitment.  What if divorce was not an option?  What would our marriages look like if we were forced to make it work?  What would our courting or dating look like?  I am divorced and remarried so this isn't just for "everyone else."  I would have done anything to not get divorced but God had so so much more for me.  Not saying that God endorsed my divorce, but He did make beauty of my ashes.

     Vs. 33-37  Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.  34 But I tell you, do not swear at all:  Either by heaven, for it is God's throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.  36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.  37 Simply let your 'yes' be 'yes,' and your 'no,' 'no'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

We live in a world where everything has to become greater and greater and greater still.  Like some sort of law of escalation.  It seems though that this mostly applies to negative things.  Or if it is a positive, then it becomes negative by the very process of escalation.  God knew our ways from the very beginning and He didn't want us to slip into the enticement of sin.  To get there before even realizing we've moved.  Character doesn't need to prove itself.  It doesn't need to scream or shout.  It stands tall.  It may stand alone, but it is strong.  Character says it and than lives it.  It does not need to swear by another, it has a firm foundation and supports itself.  We find that character in God and when we find Him, He plants His character in us.

     Vs. 38-42  You have heard that it was said, eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth.  39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.  If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.  40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.  41 If someone forces you to  go one mile, go with him two miles.  42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

People expect to be repaid evenly--there's like a balance to society that expects to be kept even.  But Jesus isn't like that.  Jesus says to come under that person and lift them up.  Because every person to Jesus is of incredible value.  He does not want them crushed because He wants relationship with them also.  Without Jesus we look at others through the lens of what they have done to us.  Jesus knows what they have done but never views them through any filter except the cross.  When we grasp this, we will no longer see them through their sin, but through eternity.  This is how we begin to love our enemies.

     Vs. 43-48  You have heard that it was said, love your neighbor and hate your enemy.  44 But I tell you:  Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.  He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?  Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  47 And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others?  Do not even pagans do that?  48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Now Jesus is giving a picture of real love.  Not an easy breezy love, but a love that answers Rodney King's question with a resounding yes.  It is a hard to live out love because we cannot do it.  Only through Jesus inside of us can we begin to love everyone.

Oh my gosh.  If you think this is a lot of reading, you should try typing it.

A hopefully not too depressing look at my depression

      I wrote this in August '14 after Robin Williams' suicide. I've never been able to capture myself during depression before.  I would never write while depressed--don't want you to feel my pain, don't want you to see my pain, don't want to open up my pain, gotta keep locked down and keep hurting.  I had been dealing with depression the winter before and the mild cloud which was following was about gone.  Writing this changed that.  Suddenly I was there again.  Wanted to fight it off but nothing to fight.  Like the great nothing in The Neverending Story.  As I sunk back into a "mild" depression for a few weeks since, I began to see how truly serious my depression is.

     As I think about depression, it's been months since I've been there, and even these thoughts are terrifying. I have no defense against it. I laugh with friends, watch movies and cuddle with my wife, go to church, minister to others, pray, read my Bible, do my hobbies, all the while my insides are turned around. I know there have been good times, but can't touch those good feelings. All of life is veiled in grey. I laugh with a great belly laugh which subsides to be taken over by the great nothing inside. Friends' joy brings pain. I smile, but not for me. I do everything I can to not let you be touched by my pain. No one deserves to feel this. I will carry it all on my own. Must get out of here before my sadness escapes and you too are saddened. Even if you know I'm hurting nothing you do can help me. I can't help myself, there is no way out, no end. There were good times but what was good about them? Why were they good then and not now? Will this ever end? Will good come again? Why is everyone else so happy when I'm so hurt? How can they do that? How dare You? You should be hurting too. It's not fair. How could you not care about me? You don't care about me. I'm gonna go home and hide, be by myself, where no one can be hurt by me. I'm doing everything I can to protect you, why can't you see me? Don't you care? What's wrong with me? Why can no one see me? I'm in here! Look at me! Dont walk away! Please!!! I need you. Stay away. Don't come near. Help me! Aaugh! I hide, curl up in fetal position and rock. Pain, pain, pain, tears, pain.
If you don't suffer from depression nothing I say will help you understand but maybe this will give you a glimpse. There is no tiny bit of exaggeration here. It is all this and more.
I have no defense against depression creeping in and no remedy to crawl out from under. Thank you for reading.

p.s.     That is the easier part to describe.  This is more difficult to put my finger on.  I'm thinking of sci-fi, maybe Dr. Who where someone or something is just slightly out of faze.  Like a fraction of a second out of time.  You can see them sometimes but mostly just out the corner of your eye.  I feel this way sometimes.  Like everything in the world is off, just a tiny bit.  But not the world but me.  And I don't know how to 're-phaze'.  Don't know how I got there so I can't get back.  I have wondered at times if I have a brain tumor.  All my faculties are there, reasoning, logic, pain, laughter, hurt, happiness, everything, but it's not right.  The happiness is not joyful, the pain is painful but doesn't hurt right.  Like if my logic is still working, my reasoning still working then what is not working?  All the pieces are accounted for and test out but the sum of the whole does not.  My own judgements cannot be trusted because there is something somewhere that has not been accounted for.  The virus scan has come back clean but the virus remains.  Why do the systems not operate right?..........I can't tell you how to help someone through depression, even myself.  Please be patient, please pray, don't run away.  Be the unmoving pillar.  I need to know you will be there in the clearing even as I inflict pain and push and shove and reject you.  By the grace of God maybe I am being healed from depression but I will always consider myself susceptible at any moment.  I must remain aware and on guard.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Jethro's Urban Dictionary of Religion

     Pantheism:  1. The worship of fast things, esp. fast cars.  2. Worship of the band Skillet whose followers are called Panheads.

     Catholic:  1. The worldwide association of cat lovers Formerly known as cat-holic.

     Atheistm  1. The study of all things singular.  Famous tagline "there's just this one thing." Originally just a study group but quickly progressed to religious following when group's leader changed his name to A.

     Christianity  1. As the world's greatest religion we all know this one. Stemming from the epic sword battle of 1973 between brothers Chris and Ian. Promoters of the ocean front sword fight cleverly coined the term Christian by placing a sword vertically between their names. Starting Feb. 6 at 6pm and ending june 28th at 4:13am when swords clashed and disintegrated due to rust. 2. The cause of my birth. My parents were so overcome with anticipation in 1971 that they had a sword fight of their own and nine months later along came baby Jethro.

     Judaism  1. Hardcore fans of Different Strokes, specifically little Arnold. Ironically the word jew was never uttered by Arnold (Gary Coleman) although followers would rather die than believe the lie he wasn't saying wha-jew-talkin-bout-Willis? 2. Most followers are in the Middle East as the greatest episode ever according to Rotten Tomatoes was filmed on the shores of Galilee. The episode titled "sandal or shoe" was a shoein, haha, pardon the pun, for the '82 Oscars but was snubbed for being tv. Only movies are allowed, duh!

     Hebrew Roots  1. People claiming to be somewhere between Jew and Christian. No one understands them as they are anti-violence (no swords) and feverishly pro literacy (no tv) so no one really knows how they came to be or why. 2. A separate group claiming the same title made up of people who search places where jews were killed and buried in ww2. They dig up vegetation looking for the roots of their people. Get it? Hebrew Roots? No proof has ever been found of a type b Hebrew Root person since both Christians and Jews seek to kill them. It is quite dangerous to even be a type a as Christians and Jews do not discriminate.

     Buddhism  1. A "life of higher plane" named for the worshippers who harvest the buds of marijuana plants.

     Baha'i  1. Ahh, senior trip to Baha summer of '63. Followers seem to have no relation to that senior class so one can only assume they love sun and sand. 2. Those unfortunate folks who make a baha sound and snort through their nose in fits of sudden hysterical laughter. Not a religion but so commonly associated together that the religios leaders of Baha'i added the i in reference to the noodle that in great moments of laughter shoots from the nose. Just sick if you ask me. Some believe the i was added when Steve Jobs joined up.

     Confucianism  1. There are so many people in the world living "confused" it was only a matter of time before they gained religious standing. It's crazy watching their meetings because most don't know why they are there and what they are doing.  Throw in a few Buddhist's passing out their "leaflet's" and things really get comical.

     Hinduism  1. If your beliefs fit no other religion you are Hindu. Known also as Democrat, Hinduism is also the worlds largest union because you can just come as you are. Requirement of at least one pet cow for inclusion and obviously you must be strictly vegetarian because killing plants is ok (they have no feelings).

     Islam  1. Also known as the mercenary religion. Home to the squadron knicknamed S.B. 501. S.B. is suicide bomber and 501 is the number of original members. Some say they are not really suicide bombers but  horribly untrained pilots. We've not been able to verify as so few remain. 2. Slang for participants in street rap battles in the inner city. i-Slam 2015 to be held in Atlanta. Details forthcoming. Rap is not a religion people! Sheesh!

     Jainism  1. Possibly the most violent of all world religions. These are the followers of the man Jane, mercenary extraordinaire on the ship Serenity. Original followers changed spelling of the name out of reverence (fear of their lives). Will kill for money, or vengeance, or food, beer, or really no cause at all. You'd kill too if your mamma named you Jane.

     Shinto  1. Brother of Tonto. These are those who seek sibling equality. Would not be a religion if members did not build shrines on totem poles and place them in American malls. Mostly male following as men typically are left to keep themselves busy at the mall. These men feel so lost they look anywhere for guidance and eventually end up at the pole. 2. Young members recruited near the start of school each year at "see you at the pole events" nationwide.

     Sikhism  1. These followers know there is much wrong with the world but rather than avoid it they embrace the sickness. Commonly found in prisons and government. Television and internet have rapidly spread their followers even to closed communist countries. I will not describe their practices here.

     Taoism  1. Officially T.A.O.ism. Toes And Organs are a society of reapers. Traditionally being crypt keepers and morticians, they have begun to invade medical society as nurses and doctors, etc. Their existence is hush hush as many believe they are the monsters under the bed. Irrational fear is their calling card.

     Zoroastrianism  1. A mythical religion based on a mythical being leaving a "Z" in his wake. Claiming to be Zoro, the greatest swordsman ever (besides Chris and Ian of course), followers join fencing clubs and many claim also to be ninjas. It's all nonsense of course, please don't hurt me. I loved Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon by the way. Gotta go.



Saturday, January 24, 2015

I wanna be productive but it's cold out there

     I hate cold weather. Hate is a really strong word. Wintertime, the cold dreariness, darkness, constant overcast creates an overcast in my heart. My soul darkens with the fading of suns light. There gains a heaviness inside fought month after month til the beautiful sun comes back and melts the weights so heavy they weigh.

     Every year the battle rages, the struggle to entertain self til malaise melts. Many a year was spent chasing the elusive never before made Hotwheel, the constant thirst never quenched, yet mind kept in motion til Spring's thaw. Then came the bmx bikes. I love 70s and 80s bmx. I always have. They take up a tiny bit more space than Hotwheels but at least I can ride them. But they are expensive. Nearly every part requiring a savings plan of some degree. Endless days filled with dreaming, hours gone by on Ebay and Craigslist, mind once again preoccupied with a meaningless chasing. Chasing away of the gray.

     This year a little shift. Projects of a bedroom renovation, requiring to some degree pulling the glass fuse boxes and updating with modern age electrical. This in turn allowed for running 100 amp service to the shop and at the same time gas line to the shop. I ran out of money before I could install and plumb the natural gas heater but having real electricity I did the next best thing and wired up the large electric heater.

     Life has been grand. Nearly every day I've been in the much warmer than outside shop. Working both on customer cars and some of the dozens and dozens of projects waiting to get done. I finally feel like a productive citizen. Until yesterday. Yesterday, my world came crashing down. In the mail was an envelope from.............PGE! My life saving heater is now my death sentence. Our daily electricity usage has tripled and we got the largest bill we've ever had. Life is grand.

     This is not the end of the world. First I must pay the bill, but next I need insulation and some plywood. I think with that done I can cut down cost by at least half. Would probably be able to have heat again if that happens.

     If you are reading this and if you are a praying person please take a moment and do so. God has a solution for this that may not be what I expect or even what I want but I do need help. Thank you for reading.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Journaling Matthew ch.4

     Vs. 2-4 I would be beyond hungry.  I would be worm food.  I wonder, what would my life look like if I had the faith to go without food for a long period of time and know in the bottom of my being all that matters is what I get from God?  Does not God have the power to sustain my life without my eating?  I would love to have this kind of faith, and maybe I do in places.  This is not a place I lead God into but rather God would lead me into.  Otherwise I'm basically testing God. It's what I want not what God has for me.  I must be lead there by God.  In other words, I could have unlimited powerful faith but I still need that faith to be led by the Holy Spirit.  I need my faith to be doing what God deems and not what I want to use it for.

     Vs. 5-7  Guess on the surface I don't really understand the temptation here.  I think, why would I want to jump off a building.  That just seems dumb.  But maybe it's not about that but rather about being in the arms of the angels.  Being God-man and being away from home for 30 years, now here is the opportunity to be surrounded and held by members of the spirit realm, angels from home.  This may have been something Jesus desperately desired.  I don't know.  After the third temptation Jesus does get ministered to by angels.  His daddy knows what He needs.

     Vs. 8-11  After 40 days alone, coming at the end of 30 years on earth, Jesus may have experienced a separation or distance from God.  When I've been away from something for a very long time sometimes that thing seems less real, like I know it but just can't quite grasp it.  Here Jesus firmly puts all things in their place.  God first, and He in his place below.  No questions, no other option.  If this had not been in concrete before starting His earthly mission, it would all have been futile.

     Vs. 17  Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.  These are the words of Jesus--the second person in the New Testament to say we need to repent first.

     Vs. 18-22  Simon Peter and Andrew, James and John were the first four of Jesus' disciples.  The three most key disciples (Peter, James, and John) of Jesus's ministry were there from beginning to end.

     Vs. 23-25  Jesus does all three--teach, preach and heal.  The most vibrant ministries have all three of these.  Healing is the least seen of these today, mostly due to hardness of heart or unwillingness to accept Jesus into the heart (of the person receiving miracle).  Jesus did not do many miracles when the people had little faith.  It was not dependent on Jesus, but on the people.  I believe it is the same today.  No matter how spirit filled the one who brings the message, if those receiving it are unable to receive, then there will be little or no healing.  Is this not especially true in America?  If I can't touch it, feel it, examine it, see how it works, then I'm not buying in.  We have no faith.

Journaling Matthew 3

     Vs. 1-3  John the Baptist is the first in the New Testament of several who would preach repent first.  Jesus and the 12 disciples were next.

     Vs. 4  The original hippy--John the Baptist.

     Vs. 7-9  I am not owed or guaranteed salvation.  It is a free gift.  However, it is a living gift and if I do not care for it, it will die.  If I am not changed by this gospel, by this gift of eternal kingdom life, if I do not strive to become more Christlike then I have not truly received this gift.

     Vs. 10 This gift is not for me to keep to myself.  If I do not produce good gruit, if I do not myltiply, then I will be thrown into the fire.

     Vs. 15 Jesus had to be baptised "to fulfill all righteousness."  Had to.  Jesus, God in man, had to be baptised.  Really prefer the British version of baptised to the American baptized.  I wonder if in this life I will ever understand the depth of significance in baptism.  I get that it is an outward confirmation or symbol of an inward change.  A change in direction and focus in my life, but how much more is there to it than that?

     Vs. 16 Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit have always been in perfect harmony, perfect community, perfect unity.  Coming to earth was the first separation ever.  Before beginning His ministry Jesus is reunited with the Holy Spirit.  30 years Jesus has lived as all men have up to this point--no Holy Spirit.  Although we know from scripture that God did place His Spirit on some people.  Whether this was the same as the Holy Spirit we see in the New Testament after Jesus I do not know.

     Vs. 17 God is saying this to Jesus but I believe He says the same thing to me.  I am His son, whom He loves, and in me He is well pleased.  I believe this is God's heart for every one of His creation.  Of us.

Journaling Matthew 2

     Still not writing scripture out.  I'll let you know when.

     Vs. 4-6  Herod called all the chief priests and scribes to find out where Jesus was born and they say Jerusalem.  30 years later when Jesus is ministering--John 7:41-52 they believe He comes from Galilee, but is supposed to come from Bethlehem vs. 42.  7:27 says no one will know where the Christ will come from.  God gave us a lot of easter eggs in both Old and New Testament but it's just that, hints, without enough to make a complete picture.  Trying to complete the picture is ok as long as we don't lean on that too much.

     Vs. 7-12 & 16-18  Herod was a man of power.  He says it and you do it.  Naturally, when he conspired to have the Magi lead him to the baby Jesus it never occurred to him they would not do it.

     Vs. 15  Hosea 11:1  Out of Egypt I called my son.  Yet another scriptural reference to where Jesus comes from.  If you put them all together it may have seemed like He came from everywhere.

     Vs. 21-23  Baby Jesus went to Israel, to Judea.  Little guy got around alot.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Journaling Matthew 1

     Eventually I'm gonna start writing all the scripture first with my notes following but I didn't start out that way in my notebook and being kinda lazy right now I'm gonna type it out the same way.

     The genealogy of Jesus.  Matthew doesn't include everyone.  He wanted generational sequences of 14 from Abraham to David to Babylon exile to Christ.  I simply picked out a few things that stuck out at me.

     Vs. 3  Tamar:  Tamar's husband Er died.  He was wicked so God killed him.  His brother Omar took his place but he was wicked also and God killed him.  He would pull out before he finished and let his semen fall on the ground.  Judah, her father-in-law put her away but eventually she tricked him into sleeping with her and she got pregnant--so Judah and his daughter-in-law had Perez.

     Vs. 5  Rahab:  Rahab is the mother of Boaz.  She is the prostitute who helped the spies Joshua sent into the promised land.  Not an Israelite
                Ruth:  Ruth is the mother of Obed.  She is a Moabitess.  Another non-Israelite.

     Maybe this is part of why the religious leaders had trouble accepting Jesus as the Messiah.  How could the savior have impure blood?  Although these foreigners were women, of the men in Jesus's line many of them were very wicked.

Vs. 21+22  It's interesting that Matthew says Jesus (the Lord Saves) fulfilled prophecy saying He would be called Emmanuel (God with us).  Not that that's false, but what is so interesting is how many names Jesus has.  Because, the religious leaders had studied scripture for hundreds of years to find all the clues that would lead them to the Messiah when He arrived.  So God made it impossible for them to simply wait for the one person to show up who had the name Emmanuel because as we will see in the following chapters, Old Testament prophecy gave Him several different names.  His birthplace or where He comes from is another interesting one as we will also see.

     One of the fallacies of man is in studying the scripture under a microscope and then coming to concrete conclusions that aren't how God unfolds the story.  This is one reason the religious leaders of the day missed who Jesus was.  He didn't fit their plan.  There is a literalness to God's word and there is a Spirit revealdness to God's word.  Both are necessary for complete understanding.  And by complete, I mean as much as God wants each of us to have.  Would that be better if I said revealdidness?  Can I copywrite those?

Saturday, January 17, 2015

let go and let God

     The problem as I see it is people are only interested in right now but they desperately need forever. So what do we have to offer them? We need something to open the door so to speak. An access point into their lives. I'm speaking in broad church terms now, like, this is how we evangelize now people. If you want to see people saved this is the game plan. Blanket idealism is never really the right idea but hang with me here.

     Let go and let God. How many times have you heard that? Yeah that sounds good but how does that really work anyways. Sorry, but I don't have a ten step plan for that. Not even a 100 point service objective. Boy that sounds official. What I do have is the ability to help people. Yep, help them cross the street, give em good directions when lost, etc. I suppose thats good stuff but what I'm really thinking is healing from addiction. Healing from childhood abuse, post abortion depression, guilt from criminal mistakes, you name it. Only God can fix that stuff but I can help.

     Everybody has broken stuff in their life. Everybody. I'm suggesting that as the body of Christ we need to know how to help people. I'm not saying that Christians should have it all together but we should know where to go for that healing. And we should also know how to help others to do the same. This is something they need now and is a great way to get into their lives and tell them what God has done for us.

Friday, January 16, 2015

stop trying to change the world

     Alan Watts has a teaching on utube titled "stop trying to change the world." Now before you go there and watch it, don't.  To be fair, I haven't watched this particular video but I did watch another of his videos. I say don't because the way he sees and processes info and then shares it is so different from how we as Christians have been have been taught to understand God and scripture he could seriously spin your world upside down to the point you might never recover. Way outside the Christian box. Of course, I'm no idiot, now all of you are going to go and look it up. He's kinda boring too so maybe that will deter you.

     The title should read "Christians, stop trying to change the world."  Where in the Bible does it say to go out and change the world? Surely, go and make disciples in all the world. But change the world?? Save the unborn human, save the whales, save the trees and the spotted owl, save us from terrorists, and Muslims and Catholics, Democrats and our leader's pen. Stop big oil, build the pipeline, Planned Parenthood is evil, gays are going to hell, we love everyone.

     When did we as the church trade honest love and simple discipleship for causes and a savior complex? When did we forget that the goal wasn't to make this world a better place but to share God's love with those who are sharing the ride with us on this great big beautiful spinning ball? Every just cause we conjur up and every law we fight to pass are all outside motivators. We can convince someone not to do something, either by words or law, but if there is no change inside have we really done anything? Has there really been change?

     Real change is change within. From the deeper parts of man's being. To say the majority of Americans don't want prayer in school is really to say they don't know God. What shall we do then? Should we force them to pray? Or should we show them the God they don't yet know?

     I will vote Pro Life every time. Just so you know. Let me propose something to you. You meet Sarah. Sarah is going to have an abortion. After explaining about the stages of growth, heartbeat in the third week, many other details, she has a change of heart and decides to keep her baby. Win right?

     You meet Sarah. Sarah is going to have an abortion. After explaining about the stages of growth, heartbeat in the third week, many other details, she goes into the clinic, hears the heartbeat, sees baby on ultrasound and then aborts baby. Later Sarah falls into depression. She doesn't know why but soon meets a young woman who tells her of the love of God, how He is watching over her baby right now, and how He loves her.

     Maybe this is an unfair presentation but my point is this. Eternity is all that matters. We very easily get so focused on doing right things that we forget our primary goal is to share the one who makes right things. To share God with them. God. God. God. May we never get tired of Him. May we always come back to Him. Whatever you do, share Jesus with Sarah.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why do I blog?

     I've felt like I have a lot to say these past 3 or 4 or maybe 5 years and not a lot of people to say it to.  I've always had a lot to say.  I remember many occasions waaay back in school where a group of us would stand and talk.  I would try to say something, be ignored, say it louder, get ignored, a few times until I gave up.  Probably never totally sunk in that what I thought was important no one else cared about.  Since then I've felt like I didn't have anything to say that anyone cared about until about 5 years ago.  This was roughly the time when God really got a hold on me.  I've always had a good handle on the information of the Bible but suddenly God was downloading large chunks of His personality directly into my deepest parts.  Then came a small Bible study, a men's group, that I stayed with for several years.  It was in this time that I heard for the first time "when you speak, I really listen," and "you don't speak a lot but when you do it's always something of value."  I kind of chuckle because in the back of my mind I hear "when EF Hutton speaks, people listen."  God has given me something valuable, and surprisingly, everyone else doesn't already have it. 

     I have had the opportunity through a ministry called Heartchange to see people not only grow, but in some cases shed weights of 40 or 50 years or more in a single four day weekend.  Having seen God reach deep inside folks and change them forever has added another side to the character of God for me.  As I understand more of how God works and how He desires to continually sacrifice Himself for us, I'm understanding that even a few words coming through me from the Holy Spirit have great power to change lives.  I also realize that a few paragraphs written on my phone or laptop and whisked off to the world wide wonderland have very little power compared to a one on one encounter.  However, God puts things on my heart that are like a fire deep inside.  Sometimes I feel it's gotta come out before I burn up.  This of course is not everything, sometimes I just want to share a part of my life, or like with Mark, to journal my Bible reading. 

     There is a little battle going on too.  As God shows things to me I desperately hope that you can find a nugget for yourself in there too.  Really I hope God speaks to you through my writing.  Yet there is a part of me that wants to check and see how many are reading.  Like confirmation of my value.  I am constantly battling this as I doubt or rather hope that God would never give me success in writing if any part of it is for my benefit.  If by some miracle God turned me into a capable writer and I supported my family doing this it would be awesome.  That's not the benefit that worries me.  It's pride.  If people want what I write it's because God put it there and I need to learn even now that it's not about me.

     I am a work at home dad of 2, 9, 11 and 13 year old kids.  We have a shop behind the house and part time auto repair happens in there.  My wife works full time days and is working full time on her Bachelor's degree.  Up to two times a month I get to attend a Bible study with a wonderful pastor and his wife and up to once a month meet with a long term friend to discuss God and life.  Outside of church my social life consists mostly of four wild and wonderful kids.  Not many opportunities are present for (oh man, a great song playing right now, Casting Crowns-Just Another Birthday) sharing what God is teaching me so here it ends up.  I really and genuinely hope that you find value in these words.  Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

where can I find proof of God?

     I hear these people asking me, how do I know what I believe? Well I'm not the same girl and that's all the proof I need.  I love this.  For those of us who are believers, who have an intimate relationship with Christ, the entirety of who we are screams out in confirmation of a God we cannot see.  Sure we have doubts, but those doubts are a season, then they are gone.  Jesus said the wise man built his house on the rock.  I cannot see the rock but I can see the evidence of it.  What is the evidence?

     Read a comment today from a man who said he was a Christian for 40 years and now isn't.   After 40 years he did all the research, looked at the evidence, and there just isn't proof of God.  I also heard that the divorce rate among Christians is now higher than non Christians.  I can picture guys from past Bible studies who dealt with the same struggles every week for the entire life of the group and still are years later.  Oh wait, I was supposed to provide evidence for the 'rock'.  These are just three examples of the lack of evidence.  So where is the evidence?  Where is the answer for God?

     The answer is in the lyric from Britt Nicole that started this off.  The evidence is my changed life.  When I find The God, The Creator , The I Am, everything will change.  I am convinced that this 40 year Christian, these divorced Christians, these men long past from Bible studies, I am convinced of their lack of deep personal intimate relationship with God.  They may have attended church every Sunday since birth but the rock which can only be seen by its evidence evidently never was given its place as the foundation.

     I feel like a disclaimer is needed here. A failed marriage disclaimer.   I understand that things happen.  Life takes turns we cannot see, people change,  whatever, and suddenly divorce is knocking at the door or the door has been clean blown off its hinges and you don't even know what happened.  Please know if you have roots dug deep in the rock of our Lord and your marriage has dissolved I don't condemn you and I am truly sorry for the loss of dreams past.  Those roots you have will hold you fast and provide feet for your next steps.  Although there are exceptions I strongly believe a body deeply and intimately connected to God will see divorce as an impossibility.  A body like this would have a very low divorce rate and would be a glowing light to a hurting world.  Isn't this what we are called to be?

     It is this evidence that will bring people to Jesus.  A testimony that speaks without speech.  Men who bring their struggles to other men and then to God.  Not content to stop there but to lay not just their struggles at Christ's feet but their successes as well, their all.  'Pew warmers' confronted with a choice of will, choosing to submit wholly to a God they are meeting truly for the first time.  Men and women so in love with their creator that they belong first to Him.  Dating with divine intention, marrying and remaining in marriage as a trinity of God, man, and woman.  People like this will be all the proof needed for God.

does this grow my relationship with God?

     Was doing some accidental research about the Lords day on utube. I'm not sure how I got started but there are so many views on what day is the Lord's day, how it came to be and all sorts of controversies.  All I could think was what does it matter?  How does any of this bring me closer to God?

     Does this grow my relationship with God?  This is my rule or scale as to whether it is worth my time to pursue.  There are times I read scripture and God speaks to me, but there are other times when I can read and read and increase my knowledge but there is no life.  Unfortunately, the knowledge without the Spirit is lifeless.  I can know a lot of stuff but if it is not drawing me into God then it has little value.  Even worse is that I can feel I'm doing great, really growing, when in fact I'm moving away from God.  I go to my Bible study twice a month because there I'm drawn closer to God.  I get to understand Him better and grow in desire for Him.  If I just hung out with cool people who accept me but didn't grow with God I would not go.  Not that I don't like hanging out with people but Ive been in Bible studies where there was no spiritual growth.  Those times had little value.

     Maybe as a church collectively if we spent more time encouraging and demonstrating intimacy with God and less time on what day to worship and which day to relax we would be changing our world.  Not by selling religion but the heart of God