Wednesday, January 7, 2015

where can I find proof of God?

     I hear these people asking me, how do I know what I believe? Well I'm not the same girl and that's all the proof I need.  I love this.  For those of us who are believers, who have an intimate relationship with Christ, the entirety of who we are screams out in confirmation of a God we cannot see.  Sure we have doubts, but those doubts are a season, then they are gone.  Jesus said the wise man built his house on the rock.  I cannot see the rock but I can see the evidence of it.  What is the evidence?

     Read a comment today from a man who said he was a Christian for 40 years and now isn't.   After 40 years he did all the research, looked at the evidence, and there just isn't proof of God.  I also heard that the divorce rate among Christians is now higher than non Christians.  I can picture guys from past Bible studies who dealt with the same struggles every week for the entire life of the group and still are years later.  Oh wait, I was supposed to provide evidence for the 'rock'.  These are just three examples of the lack of evidence.  So where is the evidence?  Where is the answer for God?

     The answer is in the lyric from Britt Nicole that started this off.  The evidence is my changed life.  When I find The God, The Creator , The I Am, everything will change.  I am convinced that this 40 year Christian, these divorced Christians, these men long past from Bible studies, I am convinced of their lack of deep personal intimate relationship with God.  They may have attended church every Sunday since birth but the rock which can only be seen by its evidence evidently never was given its place as the foundation.

     I feel like a disclaimer is needed here. A failed marriage disclaimer.   I understand that things happen.  Life takes turns we cannot see, people change,  whatever, and suddenly divorce is knocking at the door or the door has been clean blown off its hinges and you don't even know what happened.  Please know if you have roots dug deep in the rock of our Lord and your marriage has dissolved I don't condemn you and I am truly sorry for the loss of dreams past.  Those roots you have will hold you fast and provide feet for your next steps.  Although there are exceptions I strongly believe a body deeply and intimately connected to God will see divorce as an impossibility.  A body like this would have a very low divorce rate and would be a glowing light to a hurting world.  Isn't this what we are called to be?

     It is this evidence that will bring people to Jesus.  A testimony that speaks without speech.  Men who bring their struggles to other men and then to God.  Not content to stop there but to lay not just their struggles at Christ's feet but their successes as well, their all.  'Pew warmers' confronted with a choice of will, choosing to submit wholly to a God they are meeting truly for the first time.  Men and women so in love with their creator that they belong first to Him.  Dating with divine intention, marrying and remaining in marriage as a trinity of God, man, and woman.  People like this will be all the proof needed for God.

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