Monday, January 19, 2015

Journaling Matthew 3

     Vs. 1-3  John the Baptist is the first in the New Testament of several who would preach repent first.  Jesus and the 12 disciples were next.

     Vs. 4  The original hippy--John the Baptist.

     Vs. 7-9  I am not owed or guaranteed salvation.  It is a free gift.  However, it is a living gift and if I do not care for it, it will die.  If I am not changed by this gospel, by this gift of eternal kingdom life, if I do not strive to become more Christlike then I have not truly received this gift.

     Vs. 10 This gift is not for me to keep to myself.  If I do not produce good gruit, if I do not myltiply, then I will be thrown into the fire.

     Vs. 15 Jesus had to be baptised "to fulfill all righteousness."  Had to.  Jesus, God in man, had to be baptised.  Really prefer the British version of baptised to the American baptized.  I wonder if in this life I will ever understand the depth of significance in baptism.  I get that it is an outward confirmation or symbol of an inward change.  A change in direction and focus in my life, but how much more is there to it than that?

     Vs. 16 Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit have always been in perfect harmony, perfect community, perfect unity.  Coming to earth was the first separation ever.  Before beginning His ministry Jesus is reunited with the Holy Spirit.  30 years Jesus has lived as all men have up to this point--no Holy Spirit.  Although we know from scripture that God did place His Spirit on some people.  Whether this was the same as the Holy Spirit we see in the New Testament after Jesus I do not know.

     Vs. 17 God is saying this to Jesus but I believe He says the same thing to me.  I am His son, whom He loves, and in me He is well pleased.  I believe this is God's heart for every one of His creation.  Of us.

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