Monday, January 19, 2015

Journaling Matthew 2

     Still not writing scripture out.  I'll let you know when.

     Vs. 4-6  Herod called all the chief priests and scribes to find out where Jesus was born and they say Jerusalem.  30 years later when Jesus is ministering--John 7:41-52 they believe He comes from Galilee, but is supposed to come from Bethlehem vs. 42.  7:27 says no one will know where the Christ will come from.  God gave us a lot of easter eggs in both Old and New Testament but it's just that, hints, without enough to make a complete picture.  Trying to complete the picture is ok as long as we don't lean on that too much.

     Vs. 7-12 & 16-18  Herod was a man of power.  He says it and you do it.  Naturally, when he conspired to have the Magi lead him to the baby Jesus it never occurred to him they would not do it.

     Vs. 15  Hosea 11:1  Out of Egypt I called my son.  Yet another scriptural reference to where Jesus comes from.  If you put them all together it may have seemed like He came from everywhere.

     Vs. 21-23  Baby Jesus went to Israel, to Judea.  Little guy got around alot.


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