Friday, January 16, 2015

stop trying to change the world

     Alan Watts has a teaching on utube titled "stop trying to change the world." Now before you go there and watch it, don't.  To be fair, I haven't watched this particular video but I did watch another of his videos. I say don't because the way he sees and processes info and then shares it is so different from how we as Christians have been have been taught to understand God and scripture he could seriously spin your world upside down to the point you might never recover. Way outside the Christian box. Of course, I'm no idiot, now all of you are going to go and look it up. He's kinda boring too so maybe that will deter you.

     The title should read "Christians, stop trying to change the world."  Where in the Bible does it say to go out and change the world? Surely, go and make disciples in all the world. But change the world?? Save the unborn human, save the whales, save the trees and the spotted owl, save us from terrorists, and Muslims and Catholics, Democrats and our leader's pen. Stop big oil, build the pipeline, Planned Parenthood is evil, gays are going to hell, we love everyone.

     When did we as the church trade honest love and simple discipleship for causes and a savior complex? When did we forget that the goal wasn't to make this world a better place but to share God's love with those who are sharing the ride with us on this great big beautiful spinning ball? Every just cause we conjur up and every law we fight to pass are all outside motivators. We can convince someone not to do something, either by words or law, but if there is no change inside have we really done anything? Has there really been change?

     Real change is change within. From the deeper parts of man's being. To say the majority of Americans don't want prayer in school is really to say they don't know God. What shall we do then? Should we force them to pray? Or should we show them the God they don't yet know?

     I will vote Pro Life every time. Just so you know. Let me propose something to you. You meet Sarah. Sarah is going to have an abortion. After explaining about the stages of growth, heartbeat in the third week, many other details, she has a change of heart and decides to keep her baby. Win right?

     You meet Sarah. Sarah is going to have an abortion. After explaining about the stages of growth, heartbeat in the third week, many other details, she goes into the clinic, hears the heartbeat, sees baby on ultrasound and then aborts baby. Later Sarah falls into depression. She doesn't know why but soon meets a young woman who tells her of the love of God, how He is watching over her baby right now, and how He loves her.

     Maybe this is an unfair presentation but my point is this. Eternity is all that matters. We very easily get so focused on doing right things that we forget our primary goal is to share the one who makes right things. To share God with them. God. God. God. May we never get tired of Him. May we always come back to Him. Whatever you do, share Jesus with Sarah.

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